What is Ecotourism?
Under Ecotourism Australia’s Eco Certification Program, Ecotourism is defined as:
“Ecologically sustainable tourism with a primary focus on experiencing natural areas that fosters environmental and cultural understanding, appreciation and conservation.”
What is the Eco Certification Program?
The Eco Certification Program is an initiative of Ecotourism Australia, which has established an Eco Certification Program Management Committee to provide policy and management support for the program.
The Eco Certification Program operates as a self-funding, not-for-profit program, with a Management Committee overseeing an Audit and Assessment Panel, which are chaired by a person independent of Ecotourism Australia.
Credibility with industry, communities and travellers is at the heart of the Eco Certification Program. This is maintained through:
- A rigorous assessment process including referees (one of whom must be a protected area manager)
- Review and updating of criteria every three years to reflect emerging best practice
Feedback from customers of accredited operators - Audits of operators, including an on-site audit on the entire set of the Eco Certification Program criteria at some stage during the period of accreditation.